Saying Goodbye To Fuji
Monday December 12th

arigatou gozaimasu
Nothing to report for this day really… a midday flight meant we had to braves peak hour on the trains with all our bags and make our way to Narita. Thankfully the congestion was not too bad and a fairly uneventful ride out to the airport went with ease. We checked in, using the small Terminal 3 and with just a very slight delay we were in the air.
As we left Tokyo we could see Mt Fuji quite clearly, and that was my parting image of Japan. Fitting really.
So how was our trip? Amazing. Yes, it was my 3rd visit and I visit many of the same places, but it was my first with Kate and then we had the craziness of Tokyo with Mads and also Craig and Erin. So it made it a very different experience, and I say the more people you are with in Tokyo maybe the better. We have an animated gif of myself, Kate, Mads and Erin dancing in front of the Robot Restaurant and that sums up a big part of the trip. Whirlwind craziness, encapsulating everything I love about Japan and its people. The best.