Just Chillin’

Looking straight down Odori Park

Hi all! Well, here is my last post from Hokkaido. Today has been a pretty chilled out day wandering the streets of Sapporo before I head back south tomorrow.

As I have said, the trip to Sapporo was more because I could (and snowboarding) than anything. No real “sights” as it were to see, but I thought it would be good to experience somewhere different and a bit more extreme (weather wise) than I am used to. And I must say by today I am kinda used to it. Don’t get me wrong… bloody cold… but when you rug up it is fine.

Are you sure I’m not in Paris?

Again small snow falls greeted my walk into the city centre. No real plan, although I thought I had better check out the TV Tower, famous for its views of the city. As you can tell, it is an Eiffel Tower looking thing that is kinda a bit odd, but kinda cool.

Papa TV Tower with the wife and kids

Actually what makes it endearing is the cartoon character they have to sell merchandise… this odd TV Tower dad. He is on all the stuff… I bought myself a badge of him drinking sake. Yep, it doesn’t really make sense at all, that’s why it is cool.

This “V” sign really is becoming a habit

So up to the top I went. Its location is perfect, looking straight down Odori Park. Snow had stopped when I went up making for some sweet views from up there. A nice old guy offered to take my photo, but unfortunately it turned out pretty bad, so another self portrait had to do. I really need to stop doing the “V” sign… when in Rome I guess…

He always seems so happy

In the gift shop was also merch with this little guy above me. He is the Sapporo mascot apparently. My dirty mind cannot help but giggle each time I see him.

Welcome to Ramen Stadium!

Anyway, down I went back to ground level and continued wandering, mainly just shops and what not. I found a Ramen Stadium in a department store, so I managed to point at something and have it for lunch. Some kind of Miso Ramen that was delicious (James-o, the egg was awesome). I can’t believe I forgot to take a photo of the ramen.

The Clock Tower is really not any more impressive in the daytime

Wandering continued and next thing I knew I was by the clock tower again. Sure it is a quaint building and all, but still surprised why everyone is compelled to take photos in front.

Hey everybody! I’m at the Sapporo Clock Tower!

I helped a lovely old couple by taking their photo so they would not let me go without taking mine too. So I guess I am fueling the myth of the clock tower.

And then not much else to report for the day really. Packing my things ready for a big day of travel tomorrow. The hostel has picked up with people… was talking to some young girls (stop your filthy minds gents) who are here for a Kendo tournament. Well, they were keen to talk to me and practice their English. I mentioned I was going to Ghibli which impressed them all (“you know Myazaki?!”) and then cameras came out and I was suddenly in a bunch of photos. One said kinda out of the blue “I like the Beatles and Queen”, to which I replied that the Beatles were my favourite. “Oh thank you, thank you!” she said all embarrassed. It is things like this that make this place so endearing. Sapporo on the whole has been quite cool, well worth the trip up here.

So travel tomorrow. Don’t expect a blog post probably since it really is just 9-10 hours on trains to get to Tokyo. But then it will be a full on 4 days in Tokyo before coming home. I have lots of shenanigans planned so there should be lots to write about. Woot!



  1. Meagus
    January 17, 2012 at 9:47 pm

    Hehe! My dirty mind didn’t wander when I First saw that little man in the green tracksuit, so I had to have another look. Now I am giggling too!! Hehe!

  2. atakoglen
    January 18, 2012 at 7:28 am

    The innocence of Japan!!!!


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