Sensory Overload
Three things on the agenda today.
First of all it was off to see TeamLab Planets! I had been wanting to see a full TeamLab exhibition for a while and this presented the perfect opportunity. I tried to not know too much about it beforehand, but I did know that we would need to walk barefoot and possibly up to our knees in water. Yasss!
We got there for the first session which was good planning as we were ahead of a LOT of people.
After ditching our shoes it was off. The whole experience is multi-sensory and with changing feelings under your feet. You make your way through a series of experiences that are just stunning. I won’t say too much as I would encourage people to really experience it for themselves, but maybe the pictures will give you an idea…
After a couple of hours there, we parted ways. I spent the next 6 hours or so wandering and record shopping. Tokyo has the BEST second hand record stores, so I spent hours trawling through things. I didn’t get much… some Boris and Tricot, Japanese bands I love.
From there it was back to Ginza where I wanted to head out to one of the local bars I had heard a bit about. Bar Orchard is a bit quirky in that there is no drinks menu per se… just a big stacked plate of fruit. Choose a fruit, let the owner/bartender how strong you like them, and then the drink arrives in a weird and wonderful presentation! Some also had ways in which they were meant to be drunk or experience. In the end we had to try A LOT of the fruits
My favourites were the Yuzu cocktail and surprise was the Kumquat. SOOO much fun. What a day of amazing sensory overload.