Palaces, Theatre, Street Art, and Records
Back in London for the next couple of days we thought about what to do. We didn’t have any major plans so rolled with it.
We did have plans the night we arrived back into London town… it was off to the theatre! We had picked up tickets to see the stage adaptation of To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Aaron Sorkin and starring one Matthew Modine. It was a pretty stellar show.
First up it was off to Kensington Palace, where there was a fashion exhibition that Kate was interested in, along with just visiting the palace in general. The afternoon we split up and I headed off to chase some street art and records in the Shorditch area as well as visit THIRD MAN RECORDS!
That night the street art theme continued with a visit to the huge Beyond The Streets exhibition that covered street art from its hip hop roots through to current day, including our favourites DABSMYLA! The whole exhibition was pumping and we certainly felt like we were part of the in crowd
One comment
Dick is feeling disappointed that you didn’t get any photos of the Royal School of Mines. (Just kidding.)